Monday, June 20, 2011

s02 e12 The Romans

In which the Doctor impersonate a famous lute player, and a fat man chases Barbara around Rome for several hours.

Not exactly bad, per se, but definitely one of the more stupid episodes of all time.

Important Firsts:
  • First successful attempt at fisticuffs by the Doctor.
  • First vigorous humping between Barbara and Ian. 
  • In a sort of opening cliffhanger, the TARDIS topples off a cliff.
  • This is quickly ignored when the episode cuts to a month later, when the TARDIS crew has settled down to a quiet life of hedonism in ancient Rome.
  • Vicki whines that they aren't having adventures as she was promised.  Viewers can sympathize, since watching Ian eat grapes for ten minutes is hardly good television.
  • At the market, Vicki apparently shares Susan's obsession with fine fabrics and insisting that Barbara make her dresses.
  • A cute old lyre player dodders down the road.
  • The TARDIS crew shares a meal and talks about candied chestnuts and hibiscus honey and a lot of other shit.
  • When the Doctor says she can come along on a trip to Rome, Vicki has one of the most adorable reactions in Doctor Who.  Check out this video and jump to 10:43.  Reaction comes at 10:53.  Play it over and over again and watch it get more and more absurd. 
  • She acts like Paprika when I open a can of catfood.
  • Barbara insists on combing Ian's hair so that it looks sexier. Ian pretends not to be pleased.
  • I still find it hard to believe that the producers did not intend any sexual tension between these two.
  • You can go to the video and jump to 12:03.
  • The Tenth Doctor briefly references this adventure in "The Fires of Pompei"
  • The Doctor discovers the dead lyre player and decides to impersonate him to discover who the stabber was.
  • On a very related note, in the first segment cliffhanger, a stabber enters the Doctor's chamber. 
  • And who says only the Third Doctor knew karate!
  • Wait why is RORY here?
  • On a related note, Rory is a pimp. (Warning: Contains spoiler for "A Good Man Goes to War")
  • Some stabbers interrupt Barbara and Ian.  Ian judos the shit out of them for a while, but then Barbara accidentally smashes a vase over his head, dooming both of them.
  • Barbara is to be sold as a sex slave. Ian is put on a galley ship,
  • The galley ship is actually a pretty impressive set piece. 
  • Barbara gets purchased at the auction by Tubby-Tubby Two-By-Four
  • A massive storm (with special effects that are still impressive by today's standards, probably because they use mass quantities of real water rather than CGI) strikes the galley ship.
  • Ian is thrown overboard and dies.
  • No actually he is recaptured and forced to fight Paprika in a gladiator pit.
  • Check out the fact that that wiki article contains every appearance of a lion in Doctor Who.
  • Turns out that Tubby is the Caesar
  • He and the Doctor play dueling lyres.
  • Tubby-Tubby chases Barbara for sex.  Fortunately, he is, well, tubby.
  • This is like watching Wile E Coyote and Road Runner.
  • The Doctor and Tubby-Tubby take off their clothes and become friends.
  • Turns out the Doctor has some fairly impressive biceps.
  • Vicki accidentally poisons Tubby-Tubby.
  • The whole episode feels rather like a french farce.
  • Attack of the Rorys
  • The Doctor uses his brainy specs to set fire to Rome.
  • To make a long story short, shit hits the fan and Rome burns to the ground.
  • Ian and Barbara are flirting again.
  • Oh my god what are they doing now?
  • I have nothing else to say.

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