Like the M. Night Shamalyan movie "Devil" except instead of an elevator, they're all in the TARDIS control room, there's no actual Devil, and the whole thing is not utter shit.
Important Firsts:
- First time they mention tea in a really British way
- First (and only?) episode entirely contained in the TARDIS
- This is, almost definitely, the lowest budget episode of Doctor Who ever made given that it's just the four of them dicking around in the control room the entire time. And yet, at the same time, it's a super awesome character piece that really ends up being one of the better episodes of the first season. Go figure.
- On a related note, the Doctor and his companions NEVER GET SEPARATED in this episode.
- There is a scene where the camera pans over revealing Susan standing silently motionless with a giant pair of scissors that is honestly one of the more terrifying moments in all of Doctor Who....
- ...Then she freaks out and starts stabbing a chair while screeching hysterically and the whole thing becomes rather dumb.
- William Hartnell flubs his lines a couple times in this episode. This happens a lot in the first couple years when they didn't have enough money for frivolous things such as retakes.
- In retrospect, this is the episode where the Doctor learns that the TARDIS is, in at least some sense, sentient. He didn't actually know this before.
- The Doctor makes everyone tea.
- Ian calls the Doctor "the perfect butler," and the Doctor subsequently threatens to throw him and Barbara into the vacuum of space.
- On a tangential note, I just want to point out that any new series companion who wants to bone the Doctor should be reminded that this is how he used to look in his younger days.
- I like how in the end they discover that all of their problems were basically caused by one of the the TARDIS control switches getting stuck down by some chewing gum.
- The Doctor spends the last five minutes of the episode explaining to Susan how the button on his flashlight works. Any timelord who doesn't understand momentary switches ought to be shot.
- The Doctor gives a really awkward apology to Ian and Barbara at the end of the episode, but it boils down to an incredibly sweet character moment. "As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves," says the Doctor. And then he offers Susan his arm like a gentleman and it's actually the most beautiful thing in the world. I pin this as the moment where they become a crew rather than kidnapper and kidnappees.
- THEN THEY ALL HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT (I am not making this up)